The New Olinda Ridge

Behind the Scenes at Olinda Ridge Olive Company
Recipes, news, event updates, and general musings about producing extra virgin olive oil
This thick tomato sauce recipe was sent to us by Anthony Bellov, an online customer from New York City. He writes:
This vegetarian basic sauce is a favorite of everyone's. It's a versatile sauce that supports any number of additional ingredients (such as cheeses, meats, poultry, fish) to broaden its uses. It’s great on pasta and perfect for lasagna. It freezes excellently, is inexpensive and easy to make. It might not be a sauce for people with a sweet-tooth as it has a wonderfully tart edge to it. People who really need sweet or want to cut the acidity should remove the seeds from the tomatoes prior to cooking and/or add a chopped onion with the garlic. NEVER use green bell peppers - they will completely spoil the flavor. I also don’t use tomato paste as I find it too bitter. Just cook it longer to thicken it sufficiently.Ingredients:
Labels: tomato sauce
We're excited around here because our 2007 harvest has begun. We've already started making our Estate Organic and it promises to be spectacular. As we walk around the orchard, we see most of the trees are full with the olive fruit. We wanted to start milling in early October, but the olives were just not ready. When we checked back in two weeks later, they were set to go! Last week we milled our first drops of our early harvest, rich estate organic. We wish you could have experienced the earthy aroma filling the room as the olives were pressed.
Labels: extra virgin olive oil, harvest, olives
"We sampled their 3 varieties. Honestly, all 3 were terrific. Our pick ( if pressed to choose) would be the olio organico with its bold taste."Check out their site for lots of great tips on gourmet foods online, ingredients, recipes, regional specialties, food blogs, unique food gifts, and meals delivered.
Labels: food411