Monday, July 13, 2009

Organic & Kids

To help parents and educators address organic issues with kids, the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) organization (our organic certifiers) has produced an Organic Activity and Coloring book. Topics include healthy soil, conservation and biodiversity, organic food and a helpful glossary.

Download a free copy

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Community and Fresh Food

As awareness grows about how to eat healthy, more and more resources emerge that help consumers choose foods wisely. Olinda Ridge is pleased to be a partner in these community-building efforts that promote quality food and eating right. Take a look at our list of resources, which include folks around the country involved in spreading awareness of high quality olive oil, organic food, eco-conscious lifestyles, learning to eat well, sources of sustainably grown food and more.

See resources

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Make your own pesto

Here's another great summer recipe: Carol Firenze, author of The Passionate Olive, shares her version of basil pesto sauce, the most famous of all culinary masterpieces from Liguria in the Italian Riviera region - including tips from her 90-year-old Genovese mother...

Get Basil Pesto Recipe


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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Make your own paella

We're enjoying summer, which brings a time of relaxed cooking, eating outdoors and experimenting with new recipes. I've been playing around with paella, a rice dish typical of Valencia, Spain. In Spain, it's common to find families gathered around a large paella dish on Sunday afternoons in the summer. You don't have to go to Spain to have your own paella. Try out my Chicken and Vegetable Paella, and then experiment with your own ingredients. Add a large, fresh salad as a side dish and you have a great summery meal perfect for your outdoor patio setting.

Get the Chicken and Vegetable Paella recipe

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